As I was preparing for this assignment and reading over my initial post about my future classrooms, I was happy to realize that I want to change nothing I wrote at the beginning of the semester. There are, however, plenty of things I would like to add.
I still want to teach middle school English before I move up to a high school or college level. My focus is still on creativity, innovation, and “real” learning. I mention that I would like to incorporate technology as often as possible, and this only became more true. I will definitely create a class blog and let my students use it to showcase their work, and to network and collaborate with others. I hope to use WikiSpaces for research on specific topics, and plan to make use of the many educational tools available. Why not let my students build their own worksheets, games, and study guides?
There have been multiple teaching methods introduced to me throughout the semester, and I'm having a hard time deciding which would be best. I will probably take a lesson from each method, and come up with something more personal and individualized. I am also really looking forward to trying out Edmodo. There is something about virtual classrooms that I adore. I can only hope that it will work out as well as I want, and I am teaching at a school where I will be allowed to use technology as I see fit.
That’s pretty much all I have to add to my first blog post. I feel I only needed to be more specific about which tools and methods I am most likely to try at first. So, with that being said and done, here is my final reflection about who I am, and have become over the semester:
I just published an Electric Daisy Carnival Review on my site Travel Hymns. I love your content here and started following you, hope you follow or link back too! Cheers.